3555 fearless, brave and noble Knights have taken on the challenge of protecting the XRP community against all the monsters they face on a daily basis. They believe that with your help, they will be able to build The XRP Castle where all community members will be welcomed and protected.

The five virtues of a knight they live by is: friendship, generosity, purity, courtesy and devotion.

The XRP Order is a community-driven NFT project with a collection of 3555 NFT’s (to be minted on the XRP Ledger). The XRP Order community is a family, and their goal is to bring everyone together to create the most welcoming community on XRP.

Each Knight (NFT) is unique and includes the following traits: Background, Body, Eyes, Logo, more to be added.

The XRP Order also has fantastic utility which involves earning $HONOR which can be spent in various ways (read more under Honor Token). 175 pre-sale $SWORD holders will also join the Chivalry DAO to receive exclusive benefits and vote on the future of the project (read more under Chivalry DAO).

Coin symbol: $SWORD $HONOR
Roadmap: Link
Xumm Trustline: Link
Twitter: https://twitter.com/xrpordernft
Website: https://the-xrp-order.vercel.app/
Discord: N/A
Date of snapshot: TBC
Date of Airdrop: TBC
Amount of Airdrop: TBC

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