In the past 24 months, the U.S. Federal Reserve has printed 40 percent of all dollars in existence. Naturally this resulted in a large increase of inequality. While the people close to the government, such as banks, benefitted hugely. And while, we the people, burned.

Decentralised Money Burning When The FED Prints: For every dollar that the FED prints, we burn a Teefcoin. This means that when the USD currency supply is inflated, we will deflate the Teefcoin supply with exactly the same amount. Teefcoin is a protest.

People, actual people
TEEF are an organisation of cryptonauts restoring imbalance in the financial system; they are tired of the fed printing money and the rich getting richer while we and our savings and our pensions are burning.

Coin symbol: $TEEF
Whitepaper: TBC
Xumm Trustline: Link
Twitter: Link
Website: Link
Date of snapshot: TBC
Date of Airdrop: TBC
Amount of Airdrop: TBC

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